Insured Profits is a Scam

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Insured Profits is a Scam

Posted on by John Thiel

As the binary options industry becomes more hyped up and inflated with scams and false promises of wealth and riches, the level of complaints continues to grow. I have recently stumbled upon a really big scam called Insured Profits, and the people who are presenting the offer (more like doing the sales pitch) are paid actors that will sell you bottled air if the price is right.

Insured 2

Moving along, its pretty plain to see that Insured Profits is harping on the concept of fast riches and instant wealth. These things don’t exist in reality and if you get suckered into this scam don’t say I didn’t warn you. Apparently these guys are professionals and have done this before in numerous cases. It’s pretty obvious the Channel Ranger, Insider John, Binary App 810, Binary Boom, Rock the Stock, and Profit in 60 Seconds are also scams these thieves have promoted before, and they have been very successful at it.

Now, its relatively easy to spot these scams if you follow this easy blueprint for identifying a fake offer.

  1. What are these People Selling Me? Seems obvious right, well in reality they are not showing anything. It’s just a pack of lies and deception designed to get you to sign up with their broker and deposit.
  2. Who Are these People? Are they public figures, do they have a proven track record of performance, do they have a presence in social networks? If the answer is no then they are most likely paid actors so walk away and never look back.
  3. Are they Showing Me Proof of Success? Proof means trading history from inside the broker account and not some collection of data in neatly organized columns.

If they pass the first three then you would continue looking into the rest of the system. The other elements would be system stability and reliability, level of responsiveness to queries and questions, and a serious review of the terms and conditions section. If you experience communication errors or alternatively the level of service is unacceptable then it’s most likely a fake product. Finally if the terms are copied from other products or simply unprofessional, then avoid it like the plague.

Eventually you will reach the conclusion that you need a product that speaks and acts binary options and not get rich quick. Something in the form of professional signals, indicators, or automated trading tools (bots). When you begin to understand these things then you have passed the first step, the second one is understanding that in order to succeed you need to invest time, money, and properly educate yourself by doing research and finding the right tools.

Some people said they had success with Michael Freeman and his Auto-trader, others like me believe a more systematic approach which includes a variety of strategies is required in order to succeed. Whatever you decide, please make sure to be super vigilant about the environment you are in, the kind of brokers that are being offered (regulated or not), and most importantly the level of transparency which is  being made available to you while you make your decision about how to proceed.

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